Junko Shiomi & Richard Thomas Shiatsu & Facial Massage in Islington, North London

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Meridian Exercises
Try to do these exercises slowly, without forcing. You may find some exercises easy and some more difficult, and the feeling could change, depending on your condition on the day. I’d recommend you do all six exercises first, each exercise for a few minutes, then come back to the easiest one and the most challenging one once again.

If you click each named pair of meridians below, it will lead you to the YouTube clip which demostrates the movement and the posture.

Or please click Six Meridian Exercises in a row to go to the playlist.

1. Lung & Large Intestine Meridians
- Stand with feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing naturally outward, knees “soft” (not locked).
- Link the thumbs behind the back, with the palms facing backward.
- Inhale, as you stretch the hands out, imagining your body filling with Ki to the fingertips.
- Exhale, as you bend forward, bringing your hands forward
- Take a few breaths in this position
- Exhale as you come slowly to an upright position, and the head should be the last.
- Repeat, linking the thumbs the other way around.

2. Spleen & Stomach Meridians
- Sit between the heels (if difficult, on the heels or on a cushion placed between the ankles).
- Breathe deeply, imagining your abdominal area filling with Ki*.
- Rest your hands on the floor behind you.
- Relax the neck, let the head fall back to stretch the front of the throat, and roll the eyes upwards.
- Lean the torso backwards, as you breathe out, but never go beyond what is comfortable.
- Let the body sink in the position for a few breaths, and feel gravity.
(- If you find this comfortable, then you can continue: lift your pelvis up and forward → lean back further on to the elbows → lay back on the floor)
- When coming back, do so slowly, and the head should be the last part to come upright.

3. Heart & Small Intestine Meridians
- Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet touching.
- With legs relaxed and back upright, clasp your toes.
- Exhale as you bend the torso forward between the knees, relaxing the head and neck. Arms in front of the legs if possible.
- Breathe a few times in this position, focusing your Ki* in the centre of your chest.
- Exhale as you come up to sitting, uncurling the spine slowly, head coming up last.

4. Kidney & Bladder Meridians
- Sit with your legs straight and your feet relaxed out.
- Inhale as you stretch the spine up and raise the arms above the head, palms facing out.
- Exhale as you lean forwards, flexing at the hips but with straight back and legs.
- Take a few breaths in the position, relaxing the body to gradually reach as far forward as possible between the feet.
- Exhale as you slowly come up, head coming up last.

5. Pericardium & Triple Heater Meridians
- Sit cross-legged with a straight back.
- Cross the arms and place the hands on the opposite knee.
- Keep the outside arm on the same side as the uppermost knee.
- Exhale as you relax the body downwards towards the floor gently pulling on the knees.
- Hold for a few breathes and come to an upright position.
- Change the uppermost legs and repeat.

6. Liver & Gall Bladder Meridians
- Sit on the floor with legs spread far apart and keep your spine upright.
- Link the fingers and stretch the arms above the head, palms up.
- Inhale as you turn to look your right foot.
- Exhale as you lean the body sideways towards your left, stretching the arms out towards your left foot. You should be facing your right foot still.
- Hold for a few breaths, then come up on an exhalation.

- Repeat the other side.

If you'd like to know about Ki, please check Self-Healing under About Lifestyle.

Reference from Shiatsu Theory and Practice by Carola Beresford-Cooke (Elsevier Limited, 2003)

Qi Gong
Qigong with Zhun Arts
Qigong Crane Form
If you'd like to know about Qi Gong, please check Physical & Mental Energy Work under About Lifestyle .

Radio Taiso Exercise Routines
ラジオ体操 第1&2
Radio Exercise No 1
Radio Exercise No 2
(well known warm-up calisthenics in Japan)


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